Hi! Im Shola

React Enthusiast and High Spirited Frontend Developer

About me?

Yahallo Im Shola, high spirited and exciting frontend developer. Currently in my final year of college also doing some personal projects for having fun and exploring some tech.

Started learning programming in my first year of college, it was when I join Idcamp but sadly didn't get elected to continue the next step. but from there, I got some enlightenment and began exploring web development, focusing on frontend development using React Js as the main tech stack. sometimes im doing backend stuff if it's necessary

You can see more "about me" in the next section or just check on my resume

What can i do?

Currently I'm focusing frontend development, but sometimes im also be able to code some backend stuff when it needed. Some of tech stack I've been used such as

Language:Javascript, Typescript, PHP
Web Framework:React Js, Next Js, Express, Laravel
Database:MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

My Work

Some of selected project I've been done