


Have you ever visited someplace? having some unique, awesome, or even absurd stories? did you wanna make it some diary or share your story with anyone? presenting cempat.in a map-based micro-blogging platform to tell a story at every place you've been visited


Providing an interactive platform, not only for sharing a story but also read a story at a place that has been visited by someone, such as:

  • Interactive map for seeing every story in every place

  • Timeline for seeing the latest activity from another user

  • User Journey for visualizing every story and every place some user has been visited

Tech Stack:

  • React JS

  • Tailwind CSS

  • Mapbox

  • React-Map-GL

What I learn

Cempat.in started from a group project called project biru, after the project finished I decided to continue on my own. There are a lot of things I've learned during development, like how to continue legacy concepts choosing which one you should keep, how to handle map components, and optimizing frontend using react memo. Not only technical things, but I'm also learning how to promote your product and listening to your user problem